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Zonta Club of Taipei Ι



1963-1965 第一、二屆 嚴吳舜文
1965-1967 第三、四屆 黃余夢燕
1967-1969 第五、六屆 倪林似蘭
1969-1971 第七、八屆 費張心漪
1971-1973 第九、十屆 寶 華
1973-1975 第十一、十二屆 李葉叶琹
1975-1977 第十三、十四屆 胡葉霞翟
1977-1979 第十五---十八屆 倪部婉容
1979-1983 第十九屆 辜嚴倬雲
1983-1985 第二十屆 蔣鄭美瑛
1985-1987 第廿一屆 周魏燕芝
1987-1989 第廿二屆 賴惠美
1989-1991 第廿三屆 梁侯金英
1991-1993 第廿四屆 趙徐玲秀
1993-1995 第廿五屆 郭瓊瑩
1995-1997 第廿六屆 吳宣家玲
1997-2000 第廿七屆 李素慧
2000-2002 第廿八屆 吳碧礽
2002-2004 第廿九屆 陳淑貞
2004-2006 第三十屆 陳美朱
2006-2008 第卅一屆 羅瓊瑤
2008-2010 第卅二屆 呂華苑
2010-2012 第卅三屆 鄭雅文
2012-2014 第卅四屆 石謹飴
2014-2016 第卅五屆 蘇昭樺
2016-2018 第卅六屆 呂華苑
2018-2020 第卅七屆 梁嘉玲
2020-2022 第卅八屆 郭雅萍
2022-2024 第卅九屆 吳佳燕
2024-2026 第四十屆 王貞月


♥.國際崇她台北一社 崇她首創社的成立:
1963年蘇女士特地再訪,與國內17位各行業傑出婦女與談,旋即組成籌備小組,準備崇她的播種;並公推嚴吳舜文女士(Vivian W. Yen)為召集人。同年10月17日國際崇她台北一社誕生了。次年3月由當時的國際崇她總會長 J.Maria Pierce女士親自前來授證,嚴吳舜文女士為創社社長。


嚴吳舜文   黃余夢燕  葉蟬貞   李錢蘋
張朱秀榮   梁璞    章湘華   李葉叶琹
陳劉淑方   林似蘭   陳烏瑞珍  邵王亞權
鄭葉楚生   蔡楊琦   文樊長松

  隸屬    職稱  任職社姊  任職期間
國際崇她17區  總監  黃余夢燕  1982-1984
國際崇她26區  總監  辜嚴倬雲  1990-1992
國際崇她26區  總監  賴惠美   1996-1998
國際崇她26區  總監  吳碧礽   2004-2006
國際崇她31區  總監  李素慧   2010-2012

任職社姊  任職期間   國際職務
費張心漪 1995-1998 國際崇她基金會理事
Hsin I Fei        Zonta International Foundation(ZIF) Director
郭瓊瑩  1996-2000 國際崇她環境委員會委員長
Monica Kuo       ZI Environmental Committee Chairman
賴惠美  1998-2000 國際崇她提名委員會委員
Amy Lai         ZI Nominating Committee Member
郭瓊瑩  2000-2002 國際崇她提名委員會委員
Monica Kuo       ZI Nominating Committee Member
賴惠美  2003-2007  國際崇她基金會理事
Amy Lai         Zonta International Foundation(ZIF) Director
賴惠美  2008-2012  國際崇她服務委員會委員
Amy Lai         ZI Service Committee Member
賴惠美  2010-2016  國際崇她100 週年紀念委員會委員
Amy Lai         ZI Centennial Anniversary Committee Member



History of Zonta Club of Taipei I
                    By Club President Lisa Shih
In 2013, the Zonta Club of Taipei I marked an important milestone in its history with the celebration of its 50th anniversary. Since the establishment of the first Club in 1963, the status of women in Taiwan has improved greatly. The first Zonta Club in Taiwan was founded by Taiwan's leading women, and our membership now includes outstanding professionals from a wide variety of fields. From our single small club in 1963, seventeen other clubs have grown in Taiwan. Our sisters have been involved in numerous charities and have established international links with professional women from many nations. Finally, through our sisters' enthusiastic work with people from all over the world, the women of the Zonta Club have promoted Taiwan on the international stage. 

Establishment and Development
In 1962, the American Women's Friendship Delegation, headed by Helen Su, visited the Republic of China (Taiwan) during Taiwan's National Day. After witnessing some of the remarkable professional achievements by Taiwanese women, she decided to lay the groundwork for the first Zonta Club in Taiwan. In 1963, acting as an Organization Liaison Committee member, she came back to Taiwan and formed a preparatory group with seventeen outstanding women. At the same time, Vivian W. Yen (head of an automobile manufacturing company) was elected as convener. By October 1963, the ZC of Taipei I was established and Vivian W. Yen was elected as our charter club president. A year later, in March 1964, the president of the Zonta International, J. Maria Pierce, arrived in Taiwan to charter our club which was officially established on October 17, 1963 and given the International Code number 17 04 0523.

The Rapid Growth of the Zonta Club in the Republic of China (Taiwan) 
The Zontians of Taipei I were outstanding women in different areas of profession and had high socioeconomic status and influence in the country. In 1971, eight Years after the Club of Taipei I was established, Laura (Hsin-I) Fei, the third club president, actively expanded and established new clubs. She established four clubs: ZC of Taipei II, ZC of Kaohsiung, ZC of Taichung, and ZC of Taipei County. Nowadays, eighteen clubs are spread around Taiwan. All these clubs are strongly bound by the outstanding professional women who devote themselves to serve society and better our world.

International Cultural Exchange 
The ZC of Taipei I was not only the first Zonta Club in Taiwan, but was also the first to interact and take part in cultural exchanges with the Zonta Clubs in Japan. It formed a sisterhood with the ZC of Tokyo I in November 1988, and another with the ZC of Takamatsu in November 2005. Nowadays, there are at least 15 sister clubs between Taiwan and Japan. These International Cultural Exchanges have offered zontians the opportunity to interact and learn from each other about their respective countries and have promoted citizen diplomacy.

International board and committee 
The great efforts and enthusiastic devotion of the Zontians at the ZC of Taipei I were recognized with the following appointments to the Zonta International.
1995-1998 Zonta International Foundation (ZIF) Director - Laura (Hsin-I) Fei
1996-2000 ZI Environmental Committee Chairman - Monica Kuo
1998-2000 ZI Nominating Committee Member - Amy Lai
2000-2002 ZI Nominating Committee Member - Monica Kuo
2003-2007 Zonta International Foundation (ZIF) Director - Amy Lai
2008-2012 ZI Service Committee Member - Amy Lai
2010-2016 ZI Centennial Anniversary Committee Member - Amy Lai

District Governor and Committee
One committee member and four Governors were elected from the ZC of Taipei I :
1990~1992 District Nominating Committee Chairman Amy Lai
1982~1984 Nancy Huang (Governor of District 17)
1990~1992 Cecilia Koo (Governor of District 26)
1996~1998 Amy Lai (Governor of District 26)
2010~2012 Sophie (Su-Hui) Lee (Governor of District 31) 

Area Director
Four Area Directors were elected from the Zonta Club of Taipei I :
1982~1984 Laura (Hsin-I) Fei
1984~1986 Cecilia Koo
2004~2006 Susan Wu 
2006~2008 Sophie (Su-Hui) Lee

The Zontians of Taipei I are outstanding and motivated women who have had an important influence on Taiwanese society. Beside our Rose Day Fundraising, we have organized large scale activities to raise funds through charity painting exhibitions, benefit performances, concerts, evening parties, bazaars, garden parties, donations, forums, etc. Our activities are regularly reported in the news and we have earned a reputation as an outstanding organization.

Citizen Diplomacy
Taiwan's peculiar political situation has hindered its membership in international organizations such as the WTO and WHO. It has been a great pride for Taiwanese clubs to see our club Zontian, Governor Amy Lai in Hawaii convention in 2000 and Governor Sophie (Su-Hui) Lee in Torino convention in 2012, holding our national flag and playing our national anthem in the international arena. Also, Amy Lai held Zonta flag and led flag parade into convention hall in Torino convention in 2012. The recognition of our national symbols is the result of decades of intense effort by all the zontians of district 31. Throughout the world, only the Zonta clubs honor us in this way. We appreciate the support from Zonta International and we will continue our diplomatic efforts to display our national flag and play our national anthem.

Commitment toward the future
The fruits of our half century history are an outstanding foundation and a sisterhood of prominent Taiwanese women leading our organization into the future. We will carry on our endeavors to advance the status of women in Taiwan, we will continue to serve as role model for society, and we promise to set an example for an unselfish and compassionate world for the next 50 years.

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